
What Santa Does When He’s Not Delivering Presents: Unveiling the Many Talents of Professional Santas with LinkedIn Data [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ho ho ho, and happy holidays! While Santa Claus is busy making a list and checking it twice, we’ve been busy here at LinkedIn learning about the many talents of Santa Clauses around the world – from the French Père Noël to the German Weihnachtsmann. After looking through nearly 1,000 LinkedIn Profiles globally, we’ve got some fun findings to share with you.

Let’s start with Santa’s title, which comes with an array of professional talents. Take a look at the infographic and you’ll see Santas are carpenters, cooks, scientists, and even actors (Shh, don’t tell the kids!). Like in any other career, there are different levels to being a professional Santa – from managers and directors, to real Santas and bearded Santas (We have yet to see a non-bearded Santa…).

Now let’s look at the skills and experience it takes to be a professional Santa. It turns out professional Santas are pros at Marketing Events Management, TV and Video Production, as well as Theater and Drama. We’ve even found some Santas who’ve had experience as politicians, which probably comes in handy. After all, it likely takes some political savvy to mobilize a team of reindeer across hundreds of countries around the world.

So where do all these Santas live? If you’re thinking they’re all at the North Pole, that’s just a myth. Santas live on every continent: From the Americas to Russia, from Sweden to South Africa – Santa is everywhere. If you’re sending a last-minute letter to this jolly gift giver, you may want to re-route it.

Santa may be known for one particular red fuzzy hat, but we’ve learned from our data research he wears many. And, even Santa knows to keep his LinkedIn Profile up to date with all the skills and experience that make him great…wherever in the world he may be.

by Lutz Finger via Official LinkedIn Blog
What Santa Does When He’s Not Delivering Presents: Unveiling the Many Talents of Professional Santas with LinkedIn Data [INFOGRAPHIC] What Santa Does When He’s Not Delivering Presents: Unveiling the Many Talents of Professional Santas with LinkedIn Data [INFOGRAPHIC] Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on December 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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