
Get the Samsung Galaxy S5 wallpaper here now!

samsung galaxy s5 wallpaperThe Samsung Galaxy S5 was finally announced earlier today, and despite what you feel about its appearance, it’s definitely the phone for all Android manufacturers to beat in 2014. While the back cover of the Galaxy S5 appears to have drawn the most ire from critics, it’s the front of the device that has caught some people’s eye, in particular, the Samsung Galaxy S5 wallpaper.

Luckily for us, the wallpaper has been making the rounds on the internet, and to save you the trouble of searching for it, we’ve put it here in this article. If you want the full-sized version, make sure you click the embedded picture below:

samsung galaxy s5 wallpaper

I don’t think this is quite the real deal as the resolution of the picture only comes out to a resolution of 838×1482; we know the Galaxy S5 is going to be a 1080p device. However, it sure looks the part, and if you’re wanting to get the Galaxy S5 look before you get a hold of the device, throw that wallpaper on your phone, then profit.

What do you think of the Samsung Galaxy S5? Let us know what you like or don’t like about Samsung‘s newest flagship device in the comments.

Source: Google+

by Stephen Yuen via AndroidSPIN
Get the Samsung Galaxy S5 wallpaper here now! Get the Samsung Galaxy S5 wallpaper here now! Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 25, 2014 Rating: 5

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