It has taken some time for Google to get with the times and start helping people discover if the “free” app, or even paid app, they are about to get has in-app purchases or not. I know it was rather frustrating at times for me when I would install something that looked great to find out that progression would require money spent through the app.
Google made in-app purchases found in apps pretty easy to identify when browsing and installing through the Play Store on your device, but until now it wasn’t something showcased on the web version of the Play Store. Now, as you can see above, there is a nice little bit of bold text that clearly and easily identifies apps that offer such a thing.
Here is where I find myself in conflicting arguments with myself over the obviousness of displaying that a game or app has in-app purchases. Take the Angry Birds Star Wars II for example. Yes, it has in-app purchases. However, the game is completely playable without spending a penny. Here is the issue that I know fight with in my twisted brain, will more people skip great games because of the in-app purchase branding and move on to a different app, or will the general populous be smart enough to read the description and the comments to find out if the in-app purchase are too extreme and make the game unplayable?
What do you guys think? Are you more apt to skip a game, no matter how many stars and how many downloads if you see that it “Offers in-app purchases”?
Via AndroidAuthority
by Stormy Beach via AndroidSPIN
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