Korean smartphone maker LG announced that the upcoming G Pro 2 will feature optical image stabilization (OIS) in the camera. The 13-megapixel shooter should provide less shakiness in pictures and videos; the front-facing 2.1-megapixel camera is reportedly improved as well. Other features detailed in LG’s blog post tell us the camera will be able to capture bursts of up to 20 images in a row with 3840 x 2160 pixel resolution as well as HD-quality slow motion videos.
It’s unclear if LG plans to spill more information on the G Pro 2 ahead of its release, but we’ll not complain if they do. LG has already gone on record as having the smartphone ready to roll for a Mobile World Congress debut.
LG (translate)
The post LG confirms optical image stabilization for G Pro 2 appeared first on AndroidGuys.
by Scott Webster via AndroidGuys
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