Another app of the week, another notification lockscreen. This lockscreen app I have reviewed in the past already when it first came out. NiLS Notifications Lockscreen is a crafty little lockscreen app that will show you your notifications in your lockscreen, but they have improved this app greatly. So much that I have dropped the previous lockscreen app I was using to start using this one again.
NiLS has introduced a new feature called the Floating Panel. And how I came back to this app was from a friend a mine who was rocking this on his phone. Every time he would look at his phone for a notification, I saw this cool little overlay of that message, and I asked him what he was using to have that on his phone. He told me NiLS, and I remember I rocked this app when it first hit the Play Store. So then I went and downloaded it again, and yes, I was impressed by the Floating Panel. What the Floating Panel does is, it makes it where you don’t technically put the widget within your lockscreen widgets. When activating the Floating Panel, it just automatically puts the widget on your lockaceen for you, and it floats above any other widget you might have in your lockscreen. Just a sexy quality that I love about it.
Where the Floating Panel really shines, is the fact that it has a few themes in the Play Store. You can make it look like your Hangouts bubbles, or make it more Holo looking which is what I have been using. You can swipe to the left or the right to get rid of the new notification, or you can click it to open it. Swiping down causes you to clear out your notifications, and the animations are very eye pleasing when doing all this swiping.
So if you want to check out NiLS, hit the Play Store link below. Also check out my video run-through below to see it in action. Let us know fi you downloaded it, and if it is satisfying your notification needs.
by David Pena via AndroidSPIN

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