Microsoft’s Build conference brought about a bunch of announcements about Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1. Some Xbox One news went a little by the wayside; an update is coming to the console which should significantly improve its performance.
One report is suggesting that the update, called DirectX 12, will make the Xbox One deliver twice the performance users are currently used to. Stardock founder and CEO Brad Wardell wrote on Neowin that the new update brings multi-core processing, meaning the console will offer support for full HD video games compared to just 720 titles.
Wardell wrote, “The results are spectacular. Not just in theory but in practice (full disclosure: I am involved with the Star Swarm demo which makes use of this kind of technology. While each generation of video card struggles to gain substantial performance over the previous generation, here, the same hardware will suddenly see a doubling of performance.”
Wardell also said, “Xbox One is the biggest beneficiary; it effectively gives every Xbox One owner a new GPU that is twice as fast as the old one.”
Using the DirectX 12 graphics cards means it will be pushed twice as hard as before, this makes full use of the console's capabilities but also means that the Xbox One below your telly is going to get a lot hotter.
Hopefully the fans inside don’t give up and keep it as cool as possible, we don’t want another red ring of death situation on our hands.
We don’t know exactly when the update will be rolling out to consoles but it’s expected reasonably soon. Doubling the consoles performance is an exciting proposition, roll out the update ASAP Microsoft!
You can read our review of the Xbox One here.
by jamesp via Featured Articles
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