Finding Art in the Everyday with Israel’s @dudibensimon
To view more photos and videos of Dudi’s everyday art, follow @dudibensimon on Instagram
"While sitting on the couch, I saw a pile of bowls on the counter; it looked to me like a sleeve. The next day I took a picture of it,” says Tel Aviv creative director Dudi Ben Simon (@dudibensimon).
Dudi says his inspired by the people and everyday objects around him, such as his niece, a friend with great shoes and a blue-haired coworker. “Since studying history of art at school I was fascinated with what can be made by using objects and daily pieces when they are disconnected from their original use,” he explains.
Often an idea is born “in a matter of minutes,” Dudi says, and adds that he is guided by his feelings towards something with little planning ahead. “A year ago I purchased a plate with a black swan image that I had been dying to take a picture of but couldn’t find an idea,” says Dudi. “One morning, I opened the fridge and in front of me I saw some green beans—I took the photo that second before I left to work. I also take the photos on the same table or hardwood floor. It amazes me how different it turns out every time.”
by via Instagram Blog
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