You've probably heard a lot about Google Glass already, but because it's just a unique device, it's fair to say that nothing quite compares to trying it out for yourself.
That's why Google's letting people test drive its smart glasses at Google Basecamps - though you have to book an appointment in advance. The good news is that there are Basecamps in San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles, the bad news for everyone else, is that there aren't any anywhere else...yet.
We can dare to dream that perhaps, one day, Google might open Basecamps elsewhere - the company has recently launched its Google Explorer program in the UK, so perhaps one might appear in London?
Google Bascamps also offer other services; new owners of Glass can have their headset tweaked to a perfect fit for their face.
Want to catch up on everything there is to know about Google Glass? Check out our article here:
Also take a look at our hands-on with the device here:
by pbriden via Featured Articles
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