
Autumn Life in the Russian Countryside with @edgy_frog To see...

Autumn Life in the Russian Countryside with @edgy_frog

To see more photo’s of Yulia’s country life, follow @edgy_frog on Instagram

“Spending time in my countryside house, ‘dacha,’ is always special for me, especially in autumn. It is sad that we can not capture the smell of autumn leaves or fallen apples on the ground in photography,” says Instagrammer Yulia Tepaeva (@edgy_frog) from Vladimir, Russia. “I love the aesthetic of the north. A morning fog, swallows flying around a nest above my window, wheat in my hand. These small details help create a special mood in my photography,” Yulia says. Her love of country life is visible throughout her Instagram feed. “I run through the wind in the forest, and in every type of weather, just to capture the perfect image. My phone and its battery always give up before I do.”

by via Instagram Blog
Autumn Life in the Russian Countryside with @edgy_frog To see... Autumn Life in the Russian Countryside with @edgy_frog To see... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on October 14, 2014 Rating: 5

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