A Journey to the Periphery with Photojournalist @kevinfrayer
For more of Kevin’s work from Asia and elsewhere, follow @kevinfrayer on Instagram.
“The periphery is where I feel most comfortable,” says Kevin Frayer (@kevinfrayer), a Canadian photojournalist who works primarily in Asia. “That can mean, literally, the edges of a city or country, or the minority fringes of a culture. More figuratively, the periphery is a place that requires a journey — a turn down a road for no reason, or a chance conversation that changes one’s course. In my photography, I’m trying to take people to a place far different than where they are from, and hoping they feel something new by learning that this other place exists.” Kevin explains his drive to capture images of myriad conflicts, cultures and crises, as well as epic vistas across the globe. “For as long as I can remember I have been moved by an anthropological view of the world. The camera has been a great vehicle for satisfying that urge. Early on I was drawn to photojournalism as a way to engage with the world around me. I like that when I am working with my cameras things continuously evolve and change and no two days are ever the same. I am still motivated by a personal need to try and understand what it means to be human.”
by via Instagram Blog
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