We all have that one artsy friend that makes those really cool rings, dresses, or paintings. While we are super grateful to have said friends, sometimes we can be left thinking, “why can’t I create such great pieces of art?” Well, even though we don’t have the capacity to make the new David or even have an artsy friend, the internet does exist to be able to offer us less talented people the luxury of being able to buy these works of art.
Etsy, which has been around for a while now, is one of the go-to places for finding great artists items. Be them rings, necklaces, or even furniture. This my dear readers, is one of those great places on the internet where you can go and procure yourself these small, or large, works of art, and that makes it our app of the day. The Etsy mobile app allows you to browse, save, and shop from all sorts of categories. With their huge selection of handcrafted items, you would be hardpressed to find a better place to get great holiday gifts, personal jewelry, or even small tokens of appreciation. So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the Play Store and start shopping!
The post App of the Day: Etsy appeared first on AndroidGuys.
by Juan Vega via AndroidGuys » AndroidGuys | App of the Day: Etsy
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