
Telling Stories Without Words with @omarzrobles For more dance...

Telling Stories Without Words with @omarzrobles

For more dance photography from Omar, follow @omarzrobles on Instagram.

“You are telling stories visually and without the need of words,” explains freelance street and dance photographer Omar Z. Robles (@omarzrobles), who is originally from Puerto Rico but now living in New York. Omar started to shoot dancers on streets when he moved to New York City three years ago, but his interest in the ability of the human body to physically share stories and emotions stems from a longtime passion for physical theater, dance and an education in the art of mime. Training under Marcel Marceau in Paris, Omar was influenced by the great French mime’s ability to tell a story without words. “It’s something I find completely exceptional,” he says.

Omar uses urban settings to add to the narrative of each photo and complement the lines of the dancer’s body, whose arabesques and jetés he anticipates. “New York is a curious place. Almost anywhere you stand, you’ve got a picture there. I try to use the busyness of the city, because it contrasts very well to the softness and delicacy of the dancer.”

Omar directs his subjects to dance with the same energy they do on stage, and looks for small adjustments to create different meanings. “The mind studies the body in segments as if they are musical notes, then you are able to come in and combine them. Little intricacies can create a different aesthetic,” he explains. “An inclination of the head can say something completely different. That can change the narrative a bit.”

by via Instagram Blog
Telling Stories Without Words with @omarzrobles For more dance... Telling Stories Without Words with @omarzrobles For more dance... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 29, 2015 Rating: 5

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