
The Colors of Iran, with photojournalist @sinashirii For more...

The Colors of Iran, with photojournalist @sinashirii

For more of Sina’s work from Iran, follow @sinashirii on Instagram.

“This is closer to real life,” says Sina Shiri, (@sinashirii), speaking of his approach to photography. “In Iran, most of the documentary photography is black and white, but I prefer to work in color.”

Using a borrowed camera, Sina began working as a photojournalist at the age of 16, making pictures for a student-run news agency in the city of Qazvin. He now pursues self-assigned projects, and describes his intention to change the perceptions held by the outside world.

“The cliché photos, they usually show the limitations of Iran, like the hijab, the covering of women, the hardship, or the limitations. I don’t want to show only the limitations. I want to show that Iran is a different country than what you are seeing in photos.”

Now 24 years old, Sina acknowledges the challenges ahead.

“There are many photographers in the world, there are many photos on the Internet and people’s vision is getting better and better. The competition is high and you have to provide photos that can satisfy people’s taste, this new taste of people. This makes the job difficult. I have to educate myself to learn how to do it.”

by via Instagram Blog
The Colors of Iran, with photojournalist @sinashirii For more... The Colors of Iran, with photojournalist @sinashirii For more... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 24, 2015 Rating: 5

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