
The Marvelous Miniature Culinary Creations of @shayaar To see...

The Marvelous Miniature Culinary Creations of @shayaar

To see more of Shay’s teensy culinary creations, follow @shayaar on Instagram.

“People can’t get enough of seeing their favorite treat in the size of their finger,” explains accidental miniature food artist Shay Aaron (@shayaar). Shay studies stage and costume design in Tel Aviv, Israel, but has spent the past decade fielding miniature food requests from every corner of the globe.

Since his first commission — a tiny Seder plate for Passover — Shay has refined his micro-culinary skills, at one point enrolling in a six-month baking course to learn more about pastries. But there will be no sampling of these bite-size morsels. His works, done at a 1:12 scale, are primarily made of polymer clay, but can include resin, glass, wood, metal and paper.

The final step of production is the most difficult to capture, but also the most important. “Texturing is crucial and takes lots of time and energy,” Shay explains. “I’m using a sewing needle to create bread crumbs or the spongy texture for a layer cake. I can work on a tiny piece for an hour just to get the right texture.”

by via Instagram Blog
The Marvelous Miniature Culinary Creations of @shayaar To see... The Marvelous Miniature Culinary Creations of @shayaar To see... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 26, 2015 Rating: 5

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