
White Hat Hacker Bundle, $49

Learning to hack, ethically, is a necessity in today’s age of ever-growing digital threats. Whether your goal is to build your business or simply stop your secure data from being breached, learning the ropes of hacking can be the perfect leg up in sales or counter-measure against cyber thieves.

The White Hat Hacker Bundle couples hours of lectures, tutorials, and content with expert guidance to ensure you’re protected from unwanted intruders. We’re talking Web Scraping, Penetration Testing, Advanced OSX Skills, WordPress Security, and more! Not only will you be safeguarding your assets, you’ll also develop a deeper understanding for the ins and outs of hacking. People tend to fear what they don’t understand and with this course you can put the fears to rest and truly empower yourself.

One might expect to shell out thousands of dollars for this kind of tutelage but AndroidGuys readers can get the entire bundle for just $49! What a steal. Just remember: we brought you the deal so please don’t hack us, K?

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by Shawn Collins via AndroidGuys » AndroidGuys | White Hat Hacker Bundle, $49
White Hat Hacker Bundle, $49 White Hat Hacker Bundle, $49 Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 23, 2015 Rating: 5

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