Visiting a Miniature ‘Star Wars’ Universe with @jeremy_ennis_1979
For more intricately detailed Star Wars iconography from Jeremy, follow @jeremy_ennis_1979 on Instagram. For more Star Wars fan art in honor of May the Fourth (Star Wars Day), explore the #starwarsart hashtag.
Jeremy Ennis’ (@jeremy_ennis_1979) micro-illustrations celebrate Star Wars in stunning detail. As a student working on his natural science illustration certificate, the Seattle-based artist plays with the techniques he learns in his studies by drawing his favorite characters and ships from the beloved film franchise.
“I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I came to the Star Wars movies late, actually. I watched A New Hope when I was 13 years old back in 1992,” he says. “I was so drawn in and impressed by the visuals and the creative attention to detail.”
Although his day-to-day work focuses on the patterns and textures of the natural world, much of Jeremy’s creative work is sparked by the intangible — from music to galaxies far, far away. “I am a self-taught violinist,” he says. “I am also really into the order and chaos of the universe, and spend a lot of time learning about astrophysics.”
Before he pursued an illustration degree, Jeremy grew up in Ontario, Canada, where he was a self-described “hitchhiking homeless guy” from age 15 to 20. Now 36, the experience shaped how he approaches his art.
“I spent those years hitching back and forth across Canada, and I met so many different kinds of people and paradigms,” he says. “I had to learn to adapt to all different circumstances to survive. It’s definitely influenced who I am and how I see the world.”
by via Instagram Blog
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