#whereartthou with @marcquinnart’s “The Toxic Sublime” at @whitecubeofficial
For more photos and videos of “The Toxic Sublime,” explore the #emptywhitecube hashtag and follow @marcquinnart and @whitecubeofficial on Instagram.
An early morning walk on the beach was Marc Quinn’s (@marcquinnart) inspiration for his new show “The Toxic Sublime.” But the subject of this week’s #whereartthou, on view at White Cube (@whitecubeofficial) in London until September 13, is a fresh take on a classic subject.
“I was struck by how water is like the blood of the world, connecting every country in oceans and rivers like arteries, then into the veins a capillary system of drains, taps, showers, baths and ourselves,” says Marc, whose show includes large paintings that have the wear and tear of found objects as well as stainless steel sculptures of shell fragments shaped by the sea. “It seemed to be a really good subject for a body of work in our age of environmental uncertainty.”
“The Toxic Sublime” includes paintings that begin as a photograph of the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean. “I print that image onto a piece of canvas,” Marc says. “I scrape lines into it, perhaps like the lines of a map, or flight paths, or electric wires, then tape it up with the same aluminum tape they use to fix cracks on airplanes.”
After obscuring most of the photograph with spray paint, Marc takes each painting onto the street outside his studio, then grinds the texture of pavement and manhole covers into the work. “The canvas is then stuck to a sheet of aluminum which I wrestle with, kick and fold to achieve the shape I want,” he says. “The ultimate goal would be if the work appeared to be more like the back of an old truck, or a piece of old airplane fuselage, rather than an artwork made by an artist.”
by via Instagram Blog
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