
A new way to save data with Chrome on Android

Accessing mobile websites on a slow connection can be frustrating: it can eat up your data, and it takes work to keep track of your usage. With that in mind, we created Data Saver mode in Chrome, which reduces the amount of data used when you visit a webpage.

Now, we're updating this mode to save even more data – up to 70 percent! – by removing most images when loading a page on a slow connection. After the page has loaded, you can tap to show all images or just the individual ones you want, making the web faster and cheaper to access on slow connections.
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Chrome users in India and Indonesia will be the first to get this expanded Data Saver mode, with additional countries in the coming months. Just flip on Data Saver mode in your Chrome app on Android devices to get rolling!

Posted by Tal Oppenheimer, Product Manager and Speedy Saver

by Google Chrome Blog via Google Chrome Blog
A new way to save data with Chrome on Android A new way to save data with Chrome on Android Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on December 01, 2015 Rating: 5

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