The Google Play Music family plan was announced at the end of September and promised to bring a package that would allow 6 family members to get access to all of Play Music‘s subscription goodies for one low price of $14.99 USD a month. It’s an incredibly good deal, especially compared with other music streaming options out there, and some of you are going to be able to start enjoying its benefits from today.
Google has just announced the family plan service is going to launch today in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, France and Germany. If your country hasn’t been named in the initial six, don’t be alarmed – Google promises that it’s going to be available in more countries in the near future. For those that are in the US, for your family plan subscription fee you’ll also get access to YouTube’s new subscription service, YouTube Red – presumably this will also roll over to other countries whenever YouTube Red is available more widely.
Personally, I’m super tempted to move from Spotify to this new Play Music family plan. The only thing stopping me? The thought of having to migrate my playlists between the two. First world problems…
Are you signing up for the Google Play Music family plan?
Source: Android Official Blog
The post Google Play Music family plan launches today in 6 countries appeared first on AndroidSPIN.
by Stephen Yuen via AndroidSPIN
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