
In Pursuit of the Perfect Aviation Photo with...

In Pursuit of the Perfect Aviation Photo with @jamescarrollla

Celebrate the Wright brothers’ first flight anniversary by exploring #aviation. To see more flight photos from James, follow @jamescarrollla on Instagram.

James Carroll’s (@jamescarrollla) first flight was from Tampa to Atlanta at age 6 — and the 35-year-old, Los Angeles-based photographer has been obsessed with planes ever since.

Where do you mostly shoot?

Runway 24 Right at LAX. People always ask me if I have airport access. I don’t. You can get so close.

Do you have a pilot’s license?

No, but I love to fly. I’ve been pursing a million miles — I have 600,000 now — and I hope to get it before I’m 40. I fly to London in a day just to get the miles.

Which makes for a better shot, takeoffs or landings?

Landings. Takeoffs are so far away — although personally I do like shots of the sky and the clouds and a little tiny plane somewhere in the frame. But landings are way more dynamic.

What is the perfect aviation photo?

Sun, dark clouds — all the other elements that create the mood of these planes. I know what I’m looking for and I’ve come close. There are times when I’ve stood out there, completely amazed at the weather, and said, “Now I just need a big plane to come.”

by via Instagram Blog
In Pursuit of the Perfect Aviation Photo with... In Pursuit of the Perfect Aviation Photo with... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on December 18, 2015 Rating: 5

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