In Pursuit of the Perfect Aviation Photo with @jamescarrollla
Celebrate the Wright brothers’ first flight anniversary by exploring #aviation. To see more flight photos from James, follow @jamescarrollla on Instagram.
James Carroll’s (@jamescarrollla) first flight was from Tampa to Atlanta at age 6 — and the 35-year-old, Los Angeles-based photographer has been obsessed with planes ever since.
Where do you mostly shoot?
Runway 24 Right at LAX. People always ask me if I have airport access. I don’t. You can get so close.
Do you have a pilot’s license?
No, but I love to fly. I’ve been pursing a million miles — I have 600,000 now — and I hope to get it before I’m 40. I fly to London in a day just to get the miles.
Which makes for a better shot, takeoffs or landings?
Landings. Takeoffs are so far away — although personally I do like shots of the sky and the clouds and a little tiny plane somewhere in the frame. But landings are way more dynamic.
What is the perfect aviation photo?
Sun, dark clouds — all the other elements that create the mood of these planes. I know what I’m looking for and I’ve come close. There are times when I’ve stood out there, completely amazed at the weather, and said, “Now I just need a big plane to come.”
by via Instagram Blog
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