Just Cause 3 and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege are the latest courses in this year’s holiday gaming feast. GeForce gamers will be ready with an NVIDIA Game Ready Driver on launch day.
The new driver is part of our commitment to gamers to provide a Game Ready driver for all your favorite new Holiday titles.
And if you are playing the Civilization Online closed beta, this is also the driver for you.
Dig In to GameWorks
Just Cause 3 and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege also feature NVIDIA GameWorks technology.
Rainbow Six Siege uses NVIDIA HBAO+ (Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion) for more realistic shadowing and shading, and NVIDIA TXAA (Temporal Anti-aliasing) to reduce edge crawling and flickering.
Just Cause 3 uses NVIDIA WaveWorks for realistic water effects. To make it work on PCs and consoles, Square Enix uses a CPU-GPU implementation.
Today’s driver release means we’ve gotten GeForce gamers read for 11 Holiday titles including:
- Anno 2025
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III
- Fallout 4
- StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void
- Star Wars: Battlefront
- War Thunder
- OverWatch beta
- Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
More’s coming. So, make sure you register through NVIDIA GeForce Experience. You’ll be among the first to hear about our latest Game Ready drivers. Plus, you’ll get a chance to win your share of our $100,000 prize pool which includes games, GeForce GTX 980 Ti graphics cards, SHIELD Android TVs and more.
You’re Geared Up, Now Read Up
Rainbow Six fans can check out the NVIDIA recommended GPUs story, review our graphics and performance guide, and read up on the GameWorks effects that help make it look so spectacular. You can also read our graphics and Performance guide and our recommended specs for Just Cause 3 before you jump into that game, too.
So make your holiday list now. We’ll keep it short: get GeForce Experience to optimize your games for a better experience and capture your holiday gameplay with ShadowPlay.
The post “Just Cause 3” and “Rainbow Six Siege” Get Game Ready Driver appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.
by Brian Burke via The Official NVIDIA Blog

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