
@whereloveisillegal: Honoring Human Rights and Untold...

@whereloveisillegal: Honoring Human Rights and Untold Stories

For more untold stories, follow @hammond_robin and @whereloveisillegal on Instagram.

When Robin Hammond (@hammond_robin) heard about multiple young Nigerian men facing the death penalty for committing same-sex acts, he wanted to take action. “News reports told us their names but nothing more,” the New Zealand-born, Paris-based photojournalist says. “I wondered if they, like so many others, would be erased from history with only the narrative of bigotry to remember them by.” And so, “Where Love Is Illegal” (@whereloveisillegal), a project to shine a light on people in the LGBT community — like Biggie from Uganda — was born. “We have received stories of survival — a global voice, a group of people who say you can beat and shame me, but you will not silence me,” Robin says.

His process is collaborative; Robin combines his Polaroid portraits with survivors’ personal photos and testimonies. “These are people who, in most cases, are not given the right to tell their own stories,” Robin says. “For many, it was the first time they had control over how they were heard and seen.”

December 10 is Human Rights Day. For more stories of bravery and social justice, explore the #HumanRightsDay hashtag.

by via Instagram Blog
@whereloveisillegal: Honoring Human Rights and Untold... @whereloveisillegal: Honoring Human Rights and Untold... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on December 11, 2015 Rating: 5

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