
Celebrating J.R.R Tolkien’s Birthday in New Zealand’s...

Celebrating J.R.R Tolkien’s Birthday in New Zealand’s Hobbiton

To see more of J.R.R’s Tolkien’s magic brought to life, check out the Hobbiton — The Shire location page. To see more of Stephen’s 360-degree photos, follow @an_amaze_ing_view on Instagram.

No landscape in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is more vividly described than the green and peaceful hamlet of Hobbiton. On farmland on the North Island of New Zealand, a picturesque, pint-sized tourist attraction originally built by the team who brought The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies to life, is a fantasy come true for fans.

Stephen Poon’s (@an_amaze_ing_view) playful, spherical photos of the beloved village manage to capture part of Hobbiton’s magic: “The picture with the round, yellow door in Hobbiton almost looks like a photo of a little planet,” Stephen, who currently lives in Qatar, says. “But Hobbiton is like that. It’s another world, just built at a smaller scale than ours.”

by via Instagram Blog
Celebrating J.R.R Tolkien’s Birthday in New Zealand’s... Celebrating J.R.R Tolkien’s Birthday in New Zealand’s... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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