Celebrating J.R.R Tolkien’s Birthday in New Zealand’s Hobbiton
To see more of J.R.R’s Tolkien’s magic brought to life, check out the Hobbiton — The Shire location page. To see more of Stephen’s 360-degree photos, follow @an_amaze_ing_view on Instagram.
No landscape in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is more vividly described than the green and peaceful hamlet of Hobbiton. On farmland on the North Island of New Zealand, a picturesque, pint-sized tourist attraction originally built by the team who brought The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies to life, is a fantasy come true for fans.
Stephen Poon’s (@an_amaze_ing_view) playful, spherical photos of the beloved village manage to capture part of Hobbiton’s magic: “The picture with the round, yellow door in Hobbiton almost looks like a photo of a little planet,” Stephen, who currently lives in Qatar, says. “But Hobbiton is like that. It’s another world, just built at a smaller scale than ours.”
by via Instagram Blog
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