
Creating Beautiful Portraits of the Stars at the Golden Globes...

Creating Beautiful Portraits of the Stars at the Golden Globes with @inezandvinoodh

To see more of the photographers’ best work, follow @inezandvinoodh on Instagram.

At the 73rd annual Golden Globes Awards (@goldenglobes) in Beverly Hills, the photographers Inez and Vinoodh (@inezandvinoodh) will only have brief moments in time to build trust and create beautiful portraits of the night’s honorees — but Inez calls these quick connections addictive.

“We really like people,” says Inez, who always photographs alongside Vinoodh, each with their own camera, “and the idea of finding the most iconic, the most heroic, the most timeless, the most essential image of someone.”

Each portrait will be in Inez and Vinoodh’s signature style: black-and-white images with bright lights and deep shadows.

“I like to keep the lighting setup the same so that I can entirely focus on the person in front of me,” Inez says. “It’s forgetting your ego and giving everything to the person so that you can focus on what makes them incredible.”

by via Instagram Blog
Creating Beautiful Portraits of the Stars at the Golden Globes... Creating Beautiful Portraits of the Stars at the Golden Globes... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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