
More Art, Less Chaos, by Music Photographer Nesrin Danan To see...

More Art, Less Chaos, by Music Photographer Nesrin Danan

To see more photos from Nesrin, check out @blackprints on Instagram. For more music stories, head to @music.

“#hellomynameis Nesrin Danan (@blackprints). I’m 20 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon. I got into photography in high school, but one day I took my camera to a Macklemore show. I scanned the photos, put them online and people really liked them. That’s where it all started. I’m a big fan of rap and hip-hop, and it’s been awesome because I get to shoot with people I actually listen to, like G-Eazy.

I wasn’t allowed to go to shows when I was younger, and the fact that I can make my photos instantly accessible for people who can’t go is really cool to me. When you’re in the crowd, it’s hot and sweaty, everyone’s pushing you — it’s stressful. But shooting side stage or from an empty pit is very different. I try to bring that to the audience in my photos — less chaotic, more artistic.

People call the shots in the music industry, and you have to have the right people interested in your work to move forward. To do that, you can’t be a diva, you can’t be a jerk — you just have to be a really nice person.”

by via Instagram Blog
More Art, Less Chaos, by Music Photographer Nesrin Danan To see... More Art, Less Chaos, by Music Photographer Nesrin Danan To see... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 12, 2016 Rating: 5

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