Most of you will undoubtedly be users of WhatsApp, and if you do, here’s a bit of good news. For the longest time, a WhatsApp annual fee of $1 has been payable to the instant messaging company, but it appears the annual fee is still a deterrent for some. Given that WhatsApp’s ambitions are to be the most widely used instant messaging client in the world, removing the annual fee is the most logical step to getting even more people to sign up with them.
The removal of the WhatsApp annual fee is effective as of today, though it will be interesting to see how WhatsApp intends to recoup its costs. WhatsApp has said that they aren’t going to put ads into the app anytime soon – at least, not conventional ones. In a statement, WhatsApp has said: “we will test tools that allow you to use WhatsApp to communicate with businesses and organizations that you want to hear from.” It’s also been suggested that WhatsApp will start to expand the app’s functionality to do more than just be a messaging app, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
What do you think about the WhatsApp annual fee getting ditched? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
The post WhatsApp annual fee of $1 to be canned appeared first on AndroidSPIN.
by Stephen Yuen via AndroidSPIN
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