When we started working with NASA to find their next astronaut, our data turned up something unexpected.
Three million U.S. LinkedIn members are qualified to be astronauts.
We were astounded – and inspired – to find that this childhood dream is actually within reach for a lot of people.
We may not all want to be astronauts. But inside each of us is a moonshot, an undertaking that stirs our souls, that fills us with a desire to change the world, in whatever large or small way possible.
LinkedIn has always been a purpose-driven company. Our vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. When our cofounder Reid Hoffman reflects back on our early days, it was this ambitious vision that drove our own sense of purpose.
The same desire that leads people to dream about NASA drives many of you to make a difference in the world for others, too.
Our data shows that many of your aspirations, even the ones that seem like unattainable dreams, are actually achievable. LinkedIn exists to help you pursue those careers that fill you with a sense of purpose. We’re endeavoring to redefine what it means to be well connected, so that you can achieve your vision.
To help you take the first step, top thinkers and leaders are sharing how they launched their careers. We even have inspiration from the President of the United States.
We’re excited to help you realize the careers you not only imagined as kids, but that fill you with meaning as adults. The future is all about what you do next. We’re here to help you get there.
Explore now: http://bit.ly/1TLXLOi
by Nick Bartle via Official LinkedIn Blog
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