Celebrating Shadows: @serkanncolak’s Black-and-White Work
To see more of his photography, follow @serkanncolak on Instagram.
Shadows. Silhouettes. Figures wreathed in mist and smoke. For Turkish photographer and teacher Serkan Çolak (@serkanncolak), artfully obscuring the world can become another way of revealing it. “I believe that what we don’t know is more important than what we do know,” Serkan says of his atmospheric, anonymous portraits and street photographs. Working solely in black and white, Serkan seeks out strangers, young and old — “It’s difficult taking photographs of people that I know,” he says — as well as street scenes that feel oddly universal: lacking any cues of where they were taken, his pictures might be from any city or town in the world. “Curiosity is linked to innovation or the discovery of something totally unknown. Photographs must make a person become curious. It’s not what we see, but how we see it and how we go beyond what we’ve seen.”
by via Instagram Blog
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