
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with @tatiana_mc_garry’s Wonderful...

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with @tatiana_mc_garry’s Wonderful Watercolors

To see more of Tatiana’s art, follow @tatiana_mc_garry on Instagram. Explore celebrations from all over the world by checking out #StPatricksDay.

Tatiana McGarry (@tatiana_mc_garry) moved from Russia to Galway, Ireland, one year ago, and she fondly remembers her first #StPatricksDay celebration: “So many people were on the streets and nearly everyone wore green — even dogs were wearing green ribbons! There was a warm and happy atmosphere, and the weather was great, which also was good luck.” This year, Tatiana will celebrate by visiting the local parade and maybe enjoying a glass of Irish cider. The 28-year-old artist and student creates work in a mix of mediums, but she’s drawn to watercolors, even though they’re challenging. Watercolors don’t forgive mistakes,” Tatiana explains. “But they give beautiful, semitransparent, glowing colors.”

by via Instagram Blog
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with @tatiana_mc_garry’s Wonderful... Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with @tatiana_mc_garry’s Wonderful... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 17, 2016 Rating: 5

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