Discovering Nature’s Colorful Secrets with @carpintos
To see more of Carla’s art, follow @carpintos on Instagram.
(This interview was originally conducted in Spanish.)
Argentine illustrator and designer Carla Pintos (@carpintos) found home in the biosphere reserve of Mar Chiquito, a lagoon in the Buenos Aires province. “It’s like a dream come true,” the 33-year-old artist says. “We wake up and see the sun shining on the water.” Nature has become the main source of inspiration for her detailed works on ceramic, paper and glass. “We live among flamingos, butterflies, green vines, sand dunes, fish, hummingbirds, sea gulls, swallows, crabs, trees and flowers,” she explains. Her daily job is to embellish everything she finds, she says, from walls to plates. “Life is like we paint it, that’s why I always choose to fill it with colors.”
by via Instagram Blog
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