Revolutionizing Beauty with Makeup Artist @mac_daddyy
To see more of Angel’s work, follow @mac_daddyy on Instagram. Meet other @beautycon creators by exploring #BeautyconDallas.
“#hellomynameis Angel Merino (@mac_daddyy), I’m 25 years old and I’m a professional makeup artist and a creator. I’ve been doing makeup for the last seven years — even though I never went to makeup school.
I was one of the first males to put my work out there in an industry that’s predominantly female, and obviously, there were a lot of negative comments, but the positivity always outweighed that. Now, there are so many other male artists that are more comfortable with putting themselves out there and being open to criticism.
To me, it’s not just about the makeup. It’s more about giving people confidence and courage, so they can apply it to whatever avenue they’re in, even if it’s not beauty-related. I always say, never put yourself in a box. It’s all about having an open mind and not limiting yourself, because there are just so many different avenues that one thing can lead you in. Now, I feel like I have a social responsibility to continue to be a pioneer, revolutionize this industry and revolutionize this world.”
by via Instagram Blog
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