Seeing Sounds with Music Photographer Ellie Pritts
To see more of Ellie’s colorful photography, check out @elliepritts on Instagram. For more music stories, head to @music.
“I stumbled into photography about five years ago. I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to take it in so I just said yes to everything. I shot weddings, and portraits and architecture. One day I was cruising through Craigslist and I saw an ad asking for somebody to take photos at a live concert here in Chicago. And I had never done it before so I reached out to them, and that was how it started.
“All of my early work is almost exclusively black and white. I’d say it took me maybe two years before I felt comfortable using color. And then, I just ran with it. I have a background in music, and ever since I was a kid I’ve played violin and cello. I didn’t realize until I was much older that seeing colors when you hear certain sounds is not normal. For me, I tuned my instruments that way. I could tell if it was out of tune because the colors weren’t right. When I’m listening to these bands, I hear their sounds and [see] colors associated with them.” —27-year-old music photographer Ellie Pritts (@elliepritts) on how she creates her mind-bending live music pictures.
—Instagram @music
by via Instagram Blog
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