
Seeing Sounds with Music Photographer Ellie Pritts To see more...

Seeing Sounds with Music Photographer Ellie Pritts

To see more of Ellie’s colorful photography, check out @elliepritts on Instagram. For more music stories, head to @music.

“I stumbled into photography about five years ago. I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to take it in so I just said yes to everything. I shot weddings, and portraits and architecture. One day I was cruising through Craigslist and I saw an ad asking for somebody to take photos at a live concert here in Chicago. And I had never done it before so I reached out to them, and that was how it started.

“All of my early work is almost exclusively black and white. I’d say it took me maybe two years before I felt comfortable using color. And then, I just ran with it. I have a background in music, and ever since I was a kid I’ve played violin and cello. I didn’t realize until I was much older that seeing colors when you hear certain sounds is not normal. For me, I tuned my instruments that way. I could tell if it was out of tune because the colors weren’t right. When I’m listening to these bands, I hear their sounds and [see] colors associated with them.” —27-year-old music photographer Ellie Pritts (@elliepritts) on how she creates her mind-bending live music pictures.

—Instagram @music

by via Instagram Blog
Seeing Sounds with Music Photographer Ellie Pritts To see more... Seeing Sounds with Music Photographer Ellie Pritts To see more... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 02, 2016 Rating: 5

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