The Subtleties and Splendors of Life in Iran, Captured by @hanifshoaei
To see more of Hanif’s photography, follow @hanifshoaei on Instagram. Learn more about Nowruz celebrations around the globe by exploring #PersianNewYear.
Children walking to school. Families shopping in the market. Friends taking selfies by the Caspian Sea. Hanif Shoaei (@hanifshoaei) has his #EyesOn everyday life in Iran. “My photos reveal that Iran is not what you see in the media,” the documentary photographer from Tehran says. “It is only a part of a big picture.” In Iran, celebrations for the 13-day festival Nowruz (the #PersianNewYear) are underway. One of the most important holidays in the country, Nowruz welcomes the start of spring with visits from family and friends and plenty of delicious treats. “Gestures of affection and thoughtfulness will ensure a full and happy year,” Hanif says.
by via Instagram Blog
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