
Documenting a Crisis: 2016 Pulitzer Prize Winner...

Documenting a Crisis: 2016 Pulitzer Prize Winner @sergeyponomarev

To see more of Sergey’s photography, follow @sergeyponomarev on Instagram.

“I’m always interested in this little man. The little, but great man. This is how I would put it. Because the little man’s suffering exposes the great injustices in the system. These people tell their own little stories, and in doing so, big history is told.” —Moscow-based photojournalist Sergey Ponomarev (@sergeyponomarev)

During his extensive travels covering the refugee crisis, Sergey, one of the 2016 Pulitzer Prize (@pulitzerprizes) winners for Breaking News Photography, was often reminded of the “little man” from the 19th-century short story “The Overcoat,” by Nicolay Gogol. This poignant photo taken off the coast of Lesbos is one of the winning images.

by via Instagram Blog
Documenting a Crisis: 2016 Pulitzer Prize Winner... Documenting a Crisis: 2016 Pulitzer Prize Winner... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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