Exploring Emotions Onstage with Ballet Dancer @kuraevaolga
This post is celebrating International Dance Day and kicks off our monthlong series, #whyImove. Throughout May, we’ll be sharing stories of dancers from all over the globe. To see more of Olga’s art and life, follow @kuraevaolga on Instagram.
(This interview was conducted in Russian.)
“My dance is neither a philosophy nor a job; it is the way I am feeling emotionally. This is #whyImove,” Moscow-based dancer Olga Kuraeva (@kuraevaolga) says. “I am not an actress. If I am not going through a certain emotion, I won’t be able to express it through dance. It doesn’t matter if I dance well or not — the most important thing is that I am real. The Bolshoi Ballet Academy is my childhood, my youth and my present, but I don’t have ballet idols. I am really inspired by people who do extreme sports. I think they are brave and emotionally very strong. The stage never gives you a second chance, so I prefer photos and videos. The camera is able to capture real and deep emotions. I can see myself developing in that direction in the future.”
by via Instagram Blog
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