
Getting the Inside Scoop with @jacobwfrank To explore Glacier...

Getting the Inside Scoop with @jacobwfrank

To explore Glacier National Park along with Jacob, follow @jacobwfrank on Instagram. Check out #LifeOnEarthWWIM13 to learn more about this year’s Worldwide InstaMeet, taking place this weekend, where people explore and share photographic tips while taking photos and videos together.

Landscapes stretching across endless horizons make up Jacob W. Frank’s (@jacobwfrank) office. He works as a visual information specialist (aka park photographer) at Glacier National Park in Montana. After seeing a flier for a national parks internship in college, Jacob changed his major: “I realized, wow, you can get paid to work in national parks. I didn’t even realize that was a thing.” Jacob headed out to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, taking a camera along for the journey — only after his mother’s insistence.

For this weekend’s Worldwide InstaMeet, Jacob will host photographers and nature lovers for a sunset meet at Lake McDonald, one of his favorite spots in the park. “I think a lot of people are drawn to the idea of getting to take a picture with the park photographer,” he says about sharing the best locations. “They feel like we’re giving them the inside scoop.” #LifeOnEarthWWIM13

by via Instagram Blog
Getting the Inside Scoop with @jacobwfrank To explore Glacier... Getting the Inside Scoop with @jacobwfrank To explore Glacier... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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