
Man and the Natural World: @richardahnert’s Art Explores the...

Man and the Natural World: @richardahnert’s Art Explores the Connection

To see more of his art, follow @richardahnert on Instagram.

Toronto-based artist Richard Ahnert (@richardahnert) creates surrealistic visions on birch panels, often depicting the complex relationship between humans and the natural world. “Without [animals], we could never truly understand just how unique we are,” the artist says. Like a musician is instinctually drawn to a particular instrument, Richard’s longtime preferred tool for expression has been a paintbrush. For artists on a quest for their own unique perspective, Richard’s advice is honest and clear: “Create something that you would want hung on your own walls. If it isn’t something that you’d desire had you stumbled upon it in a gallery, then you should be trying harder.”

by via Instagram Blog
Man and the Natural World: @richardahnert’s Art Explores the... Man and the Natural World: @richardahnert’s Art Explores the... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 18, 2016 Rating: 5

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