
A Taste of 3-D Artist Filip Hodas’ Otherworldly Visual...

A Taste of 3-D Artist Filip Hodas’ Otherworldly Visual Treats

For more of Filip’s mesmerizing art, follow @hoodass on Instagram.

Prague-based artist Filip Hodas (@hoodass) constructs visual treats — objects and textures that harmonize in an atmosphere of surrealism. The 23-year-old former graphic designer is self-taught in 3-D art and embraces experimentation with every project. “Very often, I delete everything after hours of work, keep just one little detail I like and build a new scene around it,” Filip says. “With trial and error, you can learn practically anything. You’ll see how much better you can get really quickly!”

by via Instagram Blog
A Taste of 3-D Artist Filip Hodas’ Otherworldly Visual... A Taste of 3-D Artist Filip Hodas’ Otherworldly Visual... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on May 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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