
Chronicling New York Mets Memories with Artist Joe Petruccio To...

Chronicling New York Mets Memories with Artist Joe Petruccio

To see more of Joe’s art featuring rock ‘n’ roll acts, New York sports and more, follow @joey_paints on Instagram.

For the last seven MLB seasons, Joe Petruccio (@joey_paints) has captured the most memorable moments from every New York Mets game. Moments from wins come in color, while losses are remembered in black and white. “I kind of almost feel like I’m part of the team,” the lifelong fan and rock ‘n’ roll artist from Brooklyn, New York, says. “I feel like I’m getting ready to be called in to pitch, and the next morning I really feel like I need to come through.” Fortunately for Joe, the past few seasons have been quite colorful — the baseball team won the National League pennant in 2015. “There were some nights last year I couldn’t even wait for the morning,” Joe says. “I just stayed up, did the drawing and posted it.”

by via Instagram Blog
Chronicling New York Mets Memories with Artist Joe Petruccio To... Chronicling New York Mets Memories with Artist Joe Petruccio To... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on May 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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