
The Art of Communication with Lauren Laverne #MyStory is a...

The Art of Communication with Lauren Laverne

#MyStory is a series that spotlights inspiring women in the Instagram community. Join the conversation by sharing your own story. To learn more about Lauren, follow @laurenlaverne on Instagram.

“#MyStory is about communication. I’ve always enjoyed talking to other people, connecting with other people, hearing what they’ve got to say and how they say it.” —Lauren Laverne (@laurenlaverne), broadcaster and co-founder of The Pool (@thepooluk) in London.

“Radio’s so old-fashioned today in some ways, but actually, in a lot of ways, it’s very modern. Radio is so very intimate. You’re right in somebody’s ear. That’s why it’s magical. It’s not like television — it’s not really like anything else.

My advice to my 18-year-old self: never wear colored leather. Never, ever date anyone who’s rude to a taxi driver or a waitress. Don’t be friends with people who are not kind. And hang in there, it’s going to be OK. This is not as good as it gets.”

by via Instagram Blog
The Art of Communication with Lauren Laverne #MyStory is a... The Art of Communication with Lauren Laverne #MyStory is a... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on June 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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