
Time Traveling with Uwe Indorf To see more of Uwe’s...

Time Traveling with Uwe Indorf

To see more of Uwe’s photography, follow @hier_ist_oben on Instagram. For more stories from the German-speaking community, follow @instagramde.

(This interview was conducted in German.)

A lonely piano, empty hallways, chipping paint and rays of light shining through dusty windows — when Uwe Indorf (@hier_ist_oben) enters an abandoned building, it feels like he is time traveling. “I try to imagine what happened in these places before they were abandoned. Every corridor, every staircase and every smallest detail tells me a story about the past,” says Uwe, who’s an instructor at the ADAC, a German automobile club. Uwe is fascinated by the emotions a deserted prison or former hospital complex can spark. “There are ‘lost places’ that will never leave you,” he says.

by via Instagram Blog
Time Traveling with Uwe Indorf To see more of Uwe’s... Time Traveling with Uwe Indorf To see more of Uwe’s... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on June 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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