
Unending Adventures: Author Taiye Selasi Puts Down Roots All...

Unending Adventures: Author Taiye Selasi Puts Down Roots All Over the World

#MyStory is a series that spotlights inspiring women in the Instagram community. Join the conversation by sharing your own story. To experience more of Taiye’s travels and adventures from around the world, follow @taiye.selasi on Instagram.

“#MyStory is about unending adventure.” —Taiye Selasi (@taiye.selasi), an author who’s a local in Accra, Berlin, New York and Rome.

“For over 30 years I’ve been asked the question, ‘Where are you from?’ at least once a week. You hear a single question that often and you develop a relationship with it: What does it mean, why does it matter? I know myself as coming from people — my mother, my twin, my countless aunties, my family of friends — rather than from places. More compelling than the idea of ‘coming from’ is the idea of ‘being in’ the present: being local, being loved, being human, being home.

Exactly five years ago, I set off from Manhattan. The other day I counted the number of countries I’ve visited in the last five years: 38. My goal is to have visited 100 countries by the time I’m 50. But I still have my little flat in Harlem. Half of my clothes are in Accra, Ghana. I’m very good at departures, but horrible at endings. I can never quite manage to break up with cities.”

by via Instagram Blog
Unending Adventures: Author Taiye Selasi Puts Down Roots All... Unending Adventures: Author Taiye Selasi Puts Down Roots All... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on June 06, 2016 Rating: 5

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