
Discovering #PlantsOnPink with Painter Stella Maria Baer To see...

Discovering #PlantsOnPink with Painter Stella Maria Baer

To see more colorful botanical posts on Instagram, browse the #PlantsOnPink hashtag.

Every week, we’re showcasing some of the most creative community hashtags on Instagram. Today we’re highlighting #PlantsOnPink. “I like the hashtag because it is a meditation on color,” explains painter Stella Maria Baer (@stellamariabaer). “I spend a lot of time thinking about the colors of the desert in the Southwest where I grew up. Adobe walls often show up in the #PlantsOnPink photographs, some from my hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico.” The cactus gardens of Arizona and California are the perfect place to snap a photo and contribute to the hashtag, but for those who can’t travel so far, Stella assures us: any pink wall will do.

by via Instagram Blog
Discovering #PlantsOnPink with Painter Stella Maria Baer To see... Discovering #PlantsOnPink with Painter Stella Maria Baer To see... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on August 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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