
Traveling the World One Trick Shot at a Time with the Legendary...

Traveling the World One Trick Shot at a Time with the Legendary Shots Crew

To see more awesome trick shots from around the world, follow @legendaryshots on Instagram.

“We are @legendaryshots and childhood friends from Hoover, Alabama. When we were kids, we would try to make ridiculous shots because we felt so much joy when we made them. We started this in 2006, and our first goal was to sell our content on DVDs. We’re glad we chose online video.

“We started filming our shots so that we could share that joy and excitement with our friends, and now we get to share that with the whole world. We love nothing more than traveling, experiencing new places and then sharing them with our followers in the form of trick shots and adventure videos.”

by via Instagram Blog
Traveling the World One Trick Shot at a Time with the Legendary... Traveling the World One Trick Shot at a Time with the Legendary... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on August 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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