
Illustrating Erdem at London Fashion Week with Alessandra...

Illustrating Erdem at London Fashion Week with Alessandra Genualdo

To see more of Alessandra’s illustrations, follow @agenualdo on Instagram.

Every time illustrator Alessandra Genualdo (@agenualdo) takes her English setter for a walk at home in London, she collects twigs, sprigs, pine needles and wildflowers along the way. “I always need to be surrounded by something that I find inspiring and comforting,” says Alessandra. The ritual offers a fresh perspective to her work. “The characters in my illustrations are always connected with nature in some way, either by wearing floral patterns or by having some greenery in the background.” On Monday, Alessandra illustrated the Erdem (@erdemlondon) fashion show during London Fashion Week. “I love the element of nostalgia in Erdem’s pieces, and of course the beautiful floral patterns,” she says. “They translate perfectly into an illustration or a painting.”

This story is part of our new series #FashionIllustrated, stories of artists from around the world who are using their imaginations to bring style to life.

by via Instagram Blog
Illustrating Erdem at London Fashion Week with Alessandra... Illustrating Erdem at London Fashion Week with Alessandra... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on September 19, 2016 Rating: 5

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