
The Cast of ‘Stranger Things’ Makes Predictions for Season 2 To...

The Cast of ‘Stranger Things’ Makes Predictions for Season 2

To see more of the Stranger Things cast, check out @milliebobby_brown, @noahschnapp, @therealcalebmclaughlin and gatenm123 on Instagram.

Toast the Eggos and turn on the Christmas lights: the cast of Netflix’s Stranger Things are gearing up for more adventures after their ‘80s-infused sci-fi show got renewed for a new season. “I hope she moves to LA and gets a big mansion and does something great,” jokes Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebobby_brown), about her wish list for what happens next to her superhero-like character, Eleven. As for Noah Schnapp, who played the missing Will Byers (@noahschnapp), he has a more nefarious prediction: “He’s been affected by the Upside Down because he was in there so long,” he says, referring to the evil alternate reality his character gets trapped in. “I heard that he might be evil.”

Speaking of Noah, he actually didn’t realize how popular the show had become because he had been at summer camp when it first premiered. “I had no idea what was going on with the show. So when I got back, I mean, I was shocked,” he says. “I saw there were fans from around the world — France and Brazil and Argentina. It was crazy.” As for Millie, she knew Stranger Things was a hit as soon as her family watched it: “Probably when my brother started screaming at the TV and my sister cried at the last episode.”

by via Instagram Blog
The Cast of ‘Stranger Things’ Makes Predictions for Season 2 To... The Cast of ‘Stranger Things’ Makes Predictions for Season 2 To... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on September 01, 2016 Rating: 5

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