
Aki Hirayama Loves a #tinycanvas Challenge To see more of Aki’s...

Aki Hirayama Loves a #tinycanvas Challenge

To see more of Aki’s nail art, follow @aki_newnail.ny on Instagram.

No #tinycanvas challenge is too great for nail artist Aki Hirayama (@aki_newnail.ny) — even if it involves creating portraits of pop stars or pop artists. “Recently someone asked me to paint all the different faces of Marilyn Monroe on their nails, an exact replica of Andy Warhol’s artwork,” says Aki, a manicurist who lives in New York. “It took four hours to complete.” Aki also loves the collaborative nature of each manicure. “I would love to do Mariah Carey’s nails someday,” she says. “She demands perfection and I would be up for it.”

by via Instagram Blog
Aki Hirayama Loves a #tinycanvas Challenge To see more of Aki’s... Aki Hirayama Loves a #tinycanvas Challenge To see more of Aki’s... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on October 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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