
Cancelled Samsung Galaxy Note7 still has more users than LG V20, HTC Bolt and OnePlus 3T

Samsung's recall of the Galaxy Note7 is nearing completion, having passed the 90% mark at the end of September. And yet Apteligent has discovered something strange (this is the analytics outfit that pointed out that Note7 usage continued to rise during the recall). Samsung Galaxy Note7, the phone that no longer exists, is still used by more people than the LG V20, the HTC Bolt or the OnePlus 3T. It only just slipped below the Moto Z and both Google Pixels. Source: Apteligent Of course, LG chose a rather limited launch for the V20 and the HTC Bolt is a Sprint US exclusive, while...

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Cancelled Samsung Galaxy Note7 still has more users than LG V20, HTC Bolt and OnePlus 3T Cancelled Samsung Galaxy Note7 still has more users than LG V20, HTC Bolt and OnePlus 3T Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on December 20, 2016 Rating: 5

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