Chasing Dreams with Chris de Bode
To see more of Chris’ work, follow @chrisdebode on Instagram.
Chris de Bode (@chrisdebode) has spent the past six years with his #EyesOn the dreams of children in a dozen countries and counting, from Afghanistan and India to Mexico, Mozambique and beyond. Working on his “I Have a Dream” project, a long-term assignment for Save the Children Nederland, Chris has photographed countless children and has been struck by one common thread. “We all have dreams,” says the photographer and filmmaker from Amsterdam. “But some of us can dream bigger than others. Some of the children I met did not spend their days fantasizing. Those children were busy surviving.” It’s no accident, meanwhile, that the project’s title echoes Martin Luther King Jr.’s most famous speech. “His words are saved in our collective memory,” Chris points out. As for his own dreams, Chris voices a hope that’s both lofty and humble: “When you understand a person from a personal point of view and understand the context in which they live, it is much easier to connect with them. And that is my goal — to make people more sensitive to the world around them.”
by via Instagram Blog
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