Xiaomi's Mi 6 is supposedly going to be the first smartphone made by a Chinese company to sport Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 chipset, which was just detailed at CES. The next non-phablet Xiaomi flagship device will reportedly look like a smaller Mi Note 2, while its official announcement could take place on February 6. Sales probably won't start earlier than March, however. But what about its performance? Well, today a Weibo user in China claims to have gotten access to a screenshot showing the AnTuTu benchmark score for a prototype Mi 6, shared by a friend who has the handset. Here it...
by via GSMArena.com - Latest articles
Xiaomi Mi 6 runs AnTuTu, allegedly scores record-breaking 210,329 points
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
January 06, 2017
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